hmmmm feel like switching back t lj again hee hee. kk byeeeee bye to this blog.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Friday, August 7, 2009
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Thursday, July 9, 2009
i swear i was laughing when i read all the previous post and another blog of mine when i had it during secondary school. tskkkkkkkkkkkkk. i didnt know i was LIKE THAT.

i even bitch about the ah lian i hated in secondary sch. lol. ^^ V but i miss those days when jen millie cat manda mich and i were still together.
SO, how's everyone? my last post was on March. 4months later and im back here. nobody even bother to read this blog but i dont really care and so, many things happened during the past 4 months. well, goods and bads. ups and downs. people come and go. catching up with people i havent met for years. but life still goes on

and it is always unfair. It is beautiful YET complicated.
i always thought of doing something with my life. i slacked for about 2months for my holidays
and FINALLY i got a job and another one coming up. As an assistant trainer teaching digital art at a primary school! thanks to kenny foong for this lobang uh. Another one would be teaching art at a tuition centre or center. correct me if im wrong. not confirm yet though. well, at least i am happy to be able to keep myself occupied. :D
i guess i'll update when ive the time and when i feel like to. stay safe people!
Monday, March 9, 2009
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Monday, March 2, 2009
Friday, February 27, 2009
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
i really dont know why im doing all these. i feel so sooooooo umm soo like so out of place? seems like it happened before. well, it actually did happened before. like same situation. i can predict the outcome. im really trying not to think far this time round but uhhhhhh, so irritating. tsk. better get my stuff done before i go crazy over Marley! <3

Monday, February 23, 2009
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Friday, February 6, 2009
ive decided not to go london. im not even excited unless everyone in my class are going. heh heh heh.
im mother turban cheebeh stress now. dinner at fish and co with liping. need some good food to release stress. love u hon although i really hate her sometimes. ahhaha muack*
time to save money for my future puppy:D cant wait!
i neeeeed a puff.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
photography lesson later. i think im gonna be late for class. suuuuuuuper tired.
had alot of dreams jus now. lol. dreamt that shermaine became a zombie and was looking for me.
guess i think of left4dead too much alr. lol
uhhhhhhhh, london sounds great but ive always wanted a puppy! which one should i choooooose.
london trip is kinda rush man. tsktsk. i'll let the fate decide.
gonna be busy these few weeks. its okay! at least ive smth t look forward to this month. :D
Saturday, January 31, 2009
i HATE hate hate HATE HATE HATE HATE hate hate hate HATE hate hate HATE HATE HATE HATE hate hate hate HATE hate hate HATE HATE HATE HATE hate hate hateHATE hate hate HATE HATE HATE HATE hate hate hate HATE hate hate HATE HATE HATE HATE hate hatehate hate HATE hate hate HATE HATE HATE HATE hate hate hate HATE hate hate HATE HATE HATE HATE hate hate hateHATE hate hate HATE HATE HATE HATE hate hate hate HATE hate hate HATE HATE HATE hate hate HATE HATE HATE HATE hate hate hate HATE hate hate HATE HATE HATE HATE hate hate hate HATE hate hate HATE HATE HATE HATE hate hate hateHATE hate hate HATE HATE HATE HATE hate hate hate HATE hate hate HATE HATE HATE HATE hate hatehate hate HATE hate hate HATE HATE HATE hate hate HATE HATE you still.
no big deal, no big deal.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
dont know why im feeling moody today, so decided to buy alot of things to kill off the mood.
and i didnt know it helps. ahahha. sorry pris to make a waste trip to bugis for me. thanks for the meal! treat u back soon k. gonna gamble on fri sat and sunday. so better start doing my work alr. hahaha.
anyway, zouk on sat with the girls were awesome. been a long time since i went with jen. so happy. :D nice to meet u, cas. haha. yea and i respect u alot, u know why(: keep on going ya. dxo the day before. free flow of drinks man but the crowd sucks la. the music was awesome. nobody was at the dancefloor so its kinda bad. got some commotion after that so pris and i headed to zouk to look for jen and cas. OH i saw shane! so happy! haahha. didnt get into zouk, didnt wana waste that 25bucks. sorry girls):
ytd at jon's place was not so bad. gambled at the last min and i won like about 10bucks plus? :D
so addictive. haaha. OH IVE GOT SMTH TO SAY.
my married cousins are SUUUUPER STINGY. one of them gave angbaos last year and they didnt give this yr. the other one jus got married and they said that they'll only give after a yr later. wtf is this. oh and they said cos of the economy is bad , recession or wadever excuses they can give la. they went to jon's place FOR THE FUCKING $600 buffet with THE FUCKING SHARK FINS and they didnt giveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee any angbaos. DARING HUH. i dont fucking care if any of my them see this. 4bucks wont kill u right. 10kids give u only 40bucks wad.. whats more theyre UUUNNNDERRRGRAD leh. so calculative right. tsktsk. i'll calculate till i get married. i complained cos im not young anymore. i know wad is supposed to do and whats not. its not about the money. i dont know how to explain. cousins on my dad side didnt drag for a year or so or wadever my mum's side are doing now lor. dunno la, i jus dont think thats the way. like dont respect me like that. ahhahaa. bahhhh
ok honeystar got new flavour! STAWBELI one. hohoo!
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Friday, January 16, 2009
ive always wanted a pet dog. but my mum DIE also dont allow me to have one. with a pet at home, the house will be more lively. THEY DONT BELIEVE. cos they dont believe ME. they keep having the mindset that i wont be able to keep it well cos i cant even take care of my own room. lol. and its pretty troublesome. ohwell, i'll get one myself when i have my own place.
uhhhh the project is really killing me. i thought it's time to forget about it and now ive to think about it again.
KAKU, everyone's looking for you eh dont MIA leh.
i left.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
say hello to the teary eyes.
when i finally kept them under my bed, ive to digged them out again. my hands turned cold when i touched those stuffs. so painful that ive to read them all over again. hopefully i get emotional enough to get down on my "broken relationship" project.
yeah, get emo.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Friday, January 9, 2009
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
SS501 "Triple S" - U R Man MV
Wonder Girls-Nobody MV
ohya, i saw this grp when i was in korea. i think theyre in rank one so far.
they were performing this song as well. we dont even know who the hell are they la. i know theyre some celebrities so i only managed to take a super blur photo of them cos our bus was about to go off.): quite good looking huh. but cant really dance. ahhaha. until we came back and i turned on to music bank, they were playing this song. my sister and i were like, EH SO FAMILIAR. and tadah. it was them. lol
anyway, this one below is currently my fav song. hahaha.
uh i wanna go back to koreaaaaaaaaaa!
MUST LISTEN! the mv is a lil draggy though.
Monday, January 5, 2009
no school for tmr and wed ):
i think im switching back to livejournal.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
pissed with those who dont even bother to reply my msg
shall stop badmouthing about this particular person
sick for the 3rd time within a month
feel like kicking the uncle's balls
hates the long hours of lesson
cant wait for school to start
needa be smarter this time
get out of the wrong floor
plenty of movies to watch
gonna be voiceless soon
dying to get a puppy
need some fresh air
talking rubbish
need some love
forget about it
misses korea
misses you
being emo
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Friday, January 2, 2009
Thursday, January 1, 2009
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